Why Aren't You Dating a Nice Boy Like Keith Gessen?
Keith Gessen, editor of literary magazine n+1 (the most important literary magazine of our time with a print run of 7,500), and author of All the Sad Young Literary Men, was on Leonard Lopate's show on WNYC, talking somewhat naively about how tough it was for his characters, and him, to graduate from college at the end of the 90s, a "very exciting time," only to struggle to find "a life that's going to be true to their ideas... I had no idea how to go about it." Yet he somehow soldiered on. (Lopate chimes in with something about how there are 300 million people in America, and if only ten percent of them are interested in literature, that's still an audience of 30 million!) Meanwhile, the city's moms lament that their daughters aren't dating Gessen:
As evidenced by the blog Postcards From Yo Momma:
The moms obviously haven't read his book—its characters' intellectualizing about screwing multiple women and talking about how it's so much easier to get laid in Brooklyn will surely put them off when they do.