'Times' Correction: Topless Miley Cyrus Not Topless

The New York Times ran a "correction" of their Business section front page story yesterday on how young Miley "Hannah Montana" Cyrus was totally topless on the cover of Vanity Fair, due to her recent run-in with a Jewish lesbian mystic, who hypnotized her. Now, the Times claims Cyrus was topped. The correction:
A headline and an article on Monday about a Vanity Fair photograph showing the actress Miley Cyrus in a suggestive pose left the incorrect impression that she was bare-breasted. While the pose was indeed revealing, she was wrapped in what appeared to be a bedsheet; she was not topless.
Did Disney complain? Or Billy Ray? Surely they wouldn't give a shit if Conde Nast called. Regardless—it's official. Topless Miley Cyrus was wearing a bedsheet, and therefore not topless. So STOP SAYING IT.