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Updated mockups reveal that Facebook has added a new tab to its soon-to-be-released user profiles. It's a small but telling detail that illustrates how the obsessively controlling Mark Zuckerberg has ceded power to independent Facebook-app developers. In his original plans for Facebook's redesign, Zuckerberg planned to integrate the Wall — the place where public messages from other users are displayed on user profiles — with Facebook's News Feed, which is where Facebook serves ads between "stories" about other users' activities. This integration was a way for Facebook to finally serve ads in the Wall, a placewhere users spend a great deal of their time on the site.

Developers, both small and large, told us they hated the idea. Still, since Facebook owns the platform, Zuckerberg should have been able to ignore their criticisms and protect Facebook's new moneymaking plan. Now, instead, there's a new tab on user profiles for just the News Feed. When he launched Facebook's platform, Zuckerberg drew comparisons to Bill Gates, the creator of another powerful platform. But Gates bullied developers, not the other way around.