Ben Silverman Ushers In Golden Age Of TV That Makes You Use A Computer To Find Out What The Fuck Happens

Game-changing perfect executive storm Ben Silverman gave the keynote address at the TelevisionWeek Upfront Summit in New York recently (a sorry substitution for a line of high-kicking dogs and ponies on the stage of Radio City, we realize, but what can you do). In it, the programming maverick laid out his bold vision for TV's cross-platform, "log on to now to find out if Hiro ever gets off Samurai Island!"-future. From
"[Broadcast] will also be where we launch our episodic storytelling vehicles, but they will be living and breathing everywhere," he said. [...]
"Around our new offerings there will literally be shows that end on air and the last scene will continue online," he said.
When asked about the reputation he has developed in his short time on the job as an entertainment chief who works closely with marketers, he said that's due to the new generation of showrunners who are "friends" of advertisers. [...]
"Tina Fey loves American Express. They have been inside '30 Rock,' in the show. They have supported her through the Tribeca Film Festival," he said. "[Heroes creator] Tim Kring enjoys his relationships with Nissan. He felt Nissan helped empower the growth of that show."
Indeed, so jazzed is Tina Fey about the encroachment of corporate interests upon the storytelling process, she personally championed an upcoming 30 Rock B-plot in which, apropos of nothing, a man in a Soy Joy costume is gang-raped by the writing staff, his dead-eyed, still-convulsing body then dumped off the roof of the show's titular address and gored on a hot dog cart's umbrella below. The product integration is virtually seamless!