Humbled Yang disavows high-fives, says he was "very happy" to deal with Microsoft

Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang has not been replaced by chairman Roy Bostock, Kara Swisher reports. Yang's reputation, however, has taken a severe tarnishing. How far has his reputation fallen?
Let's put it this way: He's been reduced to taking on the New York Times over whether or not he celebrated the end of Microsoft negotiations with high-fives. Times reporter Miguel Helft, who wrote that "High-fives were exchanged Saturday afternoon when [top management] learned Microsoft was backing down," later interviewed Yang and reported the following:
[Yang] did want to address what he said was a misconception: that Yahoo executives celebrated the news of Microsoft's withdrawal and viewed it as a victory. "I was not witness to any celebration, and we do not consider it a victory. I would have been personally very happy to do a deal with Microsoft," he said.
Now Yang sounds like the kid from Shane. "Don't go, Steve! Don't go!" (Photo from Yodel Anecdotal)