There's a beefcake explosion on old Broadway. Dimple-cheeked, well-muscled actor Mario Lopez (Saved By the Bell: Wedding in Las Vegas) danced his way into America's hearts while on that show about shiny lights and things moving around for an hour, Dancing With the Stars. Now he's nancing—uh, I mean dancing— up a storm again in A Chorus Line on Broadway as, um, the director who's barely ever on stage. But those muscles! They're the best marketing tool a dying art form has got! Plus, as a friendly tipster points out, Mario's got competition. (And Mario's not happy about it.) A young fellow named Nick Adams (after the Hemingway character?), who plays Larry the Dance Captain in the show, has a body to rival Lopez's and, blessedly, the online photo album to prove it. Couple this with Cry-Baby chorus member Spencer Liff getting cited on New York's "Approval Matrix" this week for having "the hottest abs on Broadway," and I think we have a Broadway Beefcake Boom. Now that's theatre. Suck it, Pinter! After the jump find photo evidence of the beefiness.

Mario Lopez (Image via Broadway World)

Nick Adams

Spencer Liff (Image via Broadway World)