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Defamer Critic Death Watch, Part XXIV: We'd heard whispers from the deck of the slave ship today that magazine publishing giant Hachette Filipacchi would be paring around 15 jobs from and other Web sites, and among them sadly appears to be Premiere film critic and blogger extraordinaire Glenn Kenny. He made the announcement today at In the Company of Glenn, where he's blogged since late 2006.

"I've just been informed that my position at is being terminated. What this means for this blog is still up in the air; I've got meetings this afternoon in which such things are to be negotiated. In any case, I now join the ever-growing ranks of film critics without staff positions. I very much hope to keep this blog going...and get some good freelance work, quick." And the comments are getting feistier and feistier by the minute: "I can't wait to hear Hachette's justification," protests one Kenny acolyte. "Perhaps they needed to funnel more money towards Fuckers." In any case, our condolences to Kenny and best wishes for his swift, certain return in another forum.

RELATED: More on the Hachette fallout can be found over at Gawker.