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Semi-rehabilitated celebrity minknapper Lindsay Lohan was all set to star in charmingly titled anti-romantic comedy The Manson Girls, the second installment of her Great Homicidal Psychopaths of Modern History Trilogy that began with Chapter 27 and was to conclude with her harrowing performance as the Austrian incest dungeon victim in The Basement, a Starz Original Film. But as Deadline Hollywood Daily now reports, Lohan has been let go from the production:

Lindsay in the true life crime film was to play the dramatic part of Nancy Pitman, a pampered surfer girl who became enthralled with Charlie Manson. But insiders explain that Lohan quickly became more of a deficit than an asset when they discovered that they couldn't find any name actresses who wanted to co-star with her.

(And even some name actors...) So now Lindsay is off the pic. Let this be a lesson... Behaving badly may get you on the covers of celebrity-obsessed mags and tabloids. But Hollywood won't tolerate your shit and shouldn't.

What Lohan's starlet non grata status means for her other current projects is still too soon to say. Certainly, everything seemed to be hunky dory on the set of Ugly Betty, which saw the actress returning to vintage, Mean Girls-era Lohan for a schoolyard bullying sequence which may or may not involve beating up Christian Siriano. As for Ye Olde Times, a Jack Black comedy set in a Medieval Times-style restaurant, we have yet to hear anything about producers having second thoughts about their choice to put the troubled actress in the small but pivotal role of Busty Serving Wench #2, a good sign that at least some in Hollywood are still fully prepared to tolerate Lindsay's shit.