Several scenes from one of the summer's most anticipated releases—Sex and the City: The Movie (can we just shorten that to Sex and the Movie already? We feel like an asshole every time we type it)—have been leaked online. [SPOILERS AHEAD!] In the sequence above, a subdued—oh, but we all know she's doing cartwheels in her head!—Carrie reveals to her best friends that Big has at long last overcome his aversion to her habit of talking with her mouth full, and finally proposed. We know, we know—this plot point is practically common knowledge by now, but it's another thing entirely to actually see Carrie come out and say it! Like Charlotte, the instant we watched it on our iPhones, we too erupted with an involuntarily squeal of delight that echoed across the walls of the brightly lit, Richard Meier-designed contemporary dining space in which we were power-lunching. It was totally embarrassing—but we didn't care. We only want the best for Carrie, and she just looked so happy. []