Who Is the Closet Drunk?

Drinking is fun! Except when you want to die the next day. Lest I divulge too much about my personal life, I'll just say that hypothetically I may know what it feels like to wake up in a mysterious house in Chelsea, ruing the day that vodka was invented. Hypothetically! Which is why, dear sweet Advil-bearing (I hope) readers, I can relate to our first blind item on this terribly, terribly bright and noisy morning: "Which fresh-faced A-list actress is actually a closet alcoholic? This gorgeous starlet likes to kick-start her day with an early morning Bloody Mary - and a couple of Nurofen." [Mirror] Two more items after the jump.
- "Which star of an upcoming blockbuster flick is a huge cad despite his image as a family man? Word is the actor is getting a little too touchy-feely with the ladies." [Rush & Molloy]
- "This is a great one, but you will have to work for it because you probably don't know the name. She's B list by definition for sure. 95% television. Lots of great shows. Primarily big hits. Seems that on one of the hit shows she was on she developed an affection for one of her co-stars. No big deal you say. What's so juicy about that? Well the co-star is married. Still not a shocker or anything really juicy. She slept with the co-star. Again you are telling yourself, no big deal. Well seems she found that one time fling something that should have lasted much longer and has spent the past few years stalking her co-star. When I say stalking, I mean stalking. Drive bys. Calling him all the time. Sending him things in the mail that she has worn. Her co-star has never reported her to the police, but gave her a final warning last week after she showed up at his house at 3am wearing next to nothing. So far so good, but I think it is only a matter of time until she comes back again." [Crazy Days and Nights]