Who Is the Coke-Snorting, S&M Fan TV Legend?
Happy rainy Friday. I don't know about you guys, but my mind is sufficiently blown by a tiring week. Specifically Lost last night, a show that both elates and infinitely frustrates me. So let's just cut to the chase: "Which TV legend likes to play dirty in the bedroom? The larger-than-life fella ties up his conquests with bathrobes - and takes breaks from 'satisfying' the girls only to snort piles of coke." [Rush & Molloy] Three more items after the jump. Namaste, y'all.
- "Which celebrity has been using her gay best friend to fulfil her needs?" [Mirror
- "I don't think the parents of this B- list television actress who is way under the legal age of consent would be thrilled to know she is sleeping with her much older television B+ list actor co-star." [Crazy Days and Nights]
- "This celebutard is engaged to a B list film actress with A+ name recognition. He spent $34,000 on porn last year, and tried to claim it as a deduction for business purposes. He had each and every receipt for all the porn. All of it. He claimed that he needed it to see the proper way to act in a love scene. When the accountant reminded him he wasn't even an actor, our celebutard said something to the effect of, 'I've got my girlfriend believing I'm the best guy in the world. I'm a great actor.' They chose not to try and deduct the porn." [Crazy Days and Nights]