The main branch of the New York Public Library has been re-named after Stephen A. Schwarzman. He's the CEO of private equity group Blackstone, as well as a Jew. Is that the reason why a powerful gentile told Vanity Fair that the new name was "It is an act of the worst kind of buffoonery. Schwarzman is horrid." Well, the dude did give $100 million to the library, but it was named after him at their request. WASPs have been confiding in secret to VF writer Jamie Johnson (the young oil heir whose documentary about the rich, Born Rich, pissed off his brethren) about their outrage. Not surprisingly, some powerful WASPS are secret anti-Semites!

Within senior Wasp circles, Schwarzman and the distinction he has received for his gift have set off a great deal of concealed outrage. Perhaps the best way I can describe it is to say that when I sat and talked with several Wasps about the diminishing influence of their clan, they often waited until the interview was winding down and I had folded up my notebook, and then they jumped back into conversation about Schwarzman and the library.

Old-guard Wasps appear to feel threatened by the newly rich and their growing influence around the city, and dismiss new money as "tasteless and gauche." When discussing vastly rich people who are Jewish, it is not uncommon for them to use anti-Semitic slurs.

"Come on, though, it's not Wasps giving Jews a bad name, it's Jews giving Jews a bad name," one said. Another told me, "The Astors knew to put their name on the inside. It's good taste, that's the difference between old and new." A third said Schwarzman, who is Jewish, "is cleaning himself up, that's what new money does. I suppose my family had to do the same thing hundreds of years ago, but look at us now, we're like deities."

It's so amusing to watch the ruling class thrash in agony at their version of injustice. Just wait 'til things start getting named after Russian billionaires!

Wasps Stung over Renaming of the N.Y.P.L. [VF Daily]