Who Slept Her Way Onto the News?

Today's blind items deal with cross-dressing and bisexuality, a reality TV gold digger, and a caddish actor. Basically, nothing out of the ordinary for the seedier corners of showbiz. One wonders what would happen if all the blind items were revealed, if everything was laid bare. Hopefully the world would be a better, more honest place. The "Entertainment Lawyer" from Crazy Days and Nights plans to reveal all of his recent items in a matter of weeks. Transparency! Somewhat exciting. For now, though, you'll have to do with guessing, after the jump.
1) "Which television correspondent got her job the old-fashioned way? After she bedded her boss at her former network, she became very close with the married news head of her current network." [P6]
2) "Which ESPN host was having a laugh over Oscar De La Hoya's cross-dressing pictures? The burly boy did a fey impression of the boxer at the Sports Museum of America gala." [Rush & Molloy]
3) "Which idiotic actor has been publicly dumped by his lovely girlfriend after he knocked her to the ground and flirted with his bimbo co-star in front of her?" [Mirror]
4) "A network reality star. As in this has nothing to do with MTV. So, our reality star is a female, although gold digging is by no means gender specific. Our reality star was at an event where she was unfamiliar with many of the people. Unfamiliar means she hadn't heard of them and so didn't know how much they made or what they did. So, she found a publicist at the event and made small talk and got her to spill on each person. When the publicist would rattle off an estimated worth, our reality star would wander over and flirt and try to get a number or give a number. Married, single, it really didn't matter. Cute, ugly? Inconsequential. The only thing that did was a big checkbook." [CDAN]
5) "...Married. She is an extremely popular singer and he is a nobody. He goes both ways, and she doesn't really care. She loves him, and doesn't want to give up so she lets him be. This is their latest trick. When they attend a party, they walk the red carpet and kiss and make nicey nice for the cameras. If a tabloid runs their picture, there they are. The happy couple. What they don't see is the husband taking off five minutes later to go meet his boyfriend. If someone asks about her husband inside the event, our singer just says that he is around somewhere." [CDAN]