Who's In the Nerd Threesome?

Maybe it's the upcoming holiday, but this week is just dragging, isn't it? Hasn't it felt like Thursday since Monday? I think the only thing that will make this week go faster is a good old nerd ménage à trois. I mean! Hah! No, not to participate in, but to read about and chuckle. You'll find such a tale, along with three others, after the jump.
1) "These three cast members from Battlestar Galactica all share a home. Nothing wrong with that. Actually there is nothing really wrong with the fact that all three share the same bedroom. Now, the husband of one of the women in the threesome might be a little put out by the living situation, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him." [CDaN]
2) "Which former husband of this singing diva spent so much time running back and forth to the bathroom at a recent party that management had to give him a towel so he could keep wiping off the sweat that would not stop pouring off his face and head." [Crazy Days and Nights]
3) "Which fiercely "antiairbrush" fading pop star's "intimate" tattoos were digitally removed after a photoshoot? When she eventually found out, she was absolutely livid..." [Mirror]
4) "Which respected (if occasionally foul mouthed) news figure is a secret lesbian? Twenty years ago she was the lover of another news figure who died tragically. Hers is an "open secret" that people understand, but don't talk about." (From a tipster)