Who's the Gay Actor With a Taste for Young Flesh?

If there's anything we can learn from blind items, it's that everyone who is marginally famous either has some bizarre sexual proclivity, is on drugs, or is a gay. And sometimes a combination of two or more of those things. I'm not sure if this happens after they get famous or if they're in the entertainment industry because they're already weird, but the whole scene makes me happy I don't live in LA. Not that LA isn't a great city with great people and great... You know. Four druggy, sexy, faggy items after the jump.
1) "Which two beyond-famous actor pals have late-night cocaine parties, much to their wives' dismay? They start at 3 a.m. and rage until sunrise - and we hear a rehabbed starlet has joined them for several sessions." [Rush & Molloy]
2) "Which gay married actor is actually conducting an open relationship and has made no secret of his penchant for very young men?" [Mirror]
3) "...a former B list television actor who was on a very hit show and since then has pretty much done jack crap. Oh, he still has just about A list name recognition, but he is dropping to C list as far as roles. So, as I said this first one was a few months ago. Our actor was with a woman at lunch. Outside on a patio, reaching into his little baggie every couple of minutes, and also sharing with his lady friend. Just passing the bag back and forth across the table. Outside. On a patio next to a public sidewalk. Finish lunch and management comps the check. Our actor doesn't have any cash for a tip and his girlfriend has like $5. So, our actor leaves the $5 and the remaining coke as a tip for the waitress. Leaves it right out on the table. Points to it and says something to the effect. There's your tip. Have a great night tonight." [Crazy Days and Nights]
4) "This actor is C list. 95% films. B+ name recognition just because it is kind of an odd name and from some roles he did ten years ago or so. He even has some music connections that are cool, but not known at all as a singer. Also known as a guy who thinks he is better than he actually is, and that women should throw themselves at him. Well our actor has a little meth problem. He doesn't snort it anymore, just smokes it. So, at a club the other night, our actor wanted to spend some time enjoying his favorite hobby. Problem was his lighter was out. So, instead of just asking someone to borrow their lighter and being done with it, our actor went out to the indoor/outdoor smoking area and went up to each person and asked for a light and asked if they wanted to share his meth. He asked males, females, and then he asked the bouncers. They asked him to repeat what he said, and he did and then showed it to them. They then asked him to leave." [CDaN]