100 Buyouts at Wash 'Post'

More than 100 employees accepted buyout packages from the Washington Post. Including some famous people! Like Thomas Ricks, whose reporting on the military and the Pentagon has often been fantastic and essential during these miserable war years. Also taking early retirement from the paper is Laura Sessions Stepp, whose reporting on lifestyle trends has annoyed everyone in the DC metro area for years now. And two of her best pieces started national conversations.
Conversations on why on Earth the Washington Post felt the need to explain what a "wingman" is in 2006. And also why so many girls are total sluts these days (she got a book out of that one, so she's not sweating this). Sad. Who will chronicle the terrible sexual habits of the youth at the Post now? We were so looking forward to learning the true meaning of a Facebook Poke, some time in 2010. [WP]