CARLSBAD, CA — What's this on my table at the Four Seasons Aviara's Lobby Lounge? Why, it's a copy of the program for D6! How careless for someone to have left it out in a public space, where anyone might read it. And there's even an attendee list! I won't bore you with the name of everyone who's going, but here are some names that caught my eye:

The unaffiliated — job-hoppers or the newly unemployed:

  • Bradley Horowitz, ex-Yahoo, now at Google
  • Bruce Jaffe, the former Microsoft dealmaker who's gone startup
  • Owen Van Natta, the former COO of Facebook


  • Linda Avey and Anne Wojcicki, 23andMe
  • Geoff Reiss, Associated Content
  • Jeremy Allaire, Brightcove
  • MC Hammer, Dancejam
  • John Battelle, Federated Media
  • Shawn Hardin, Flock
  • Bill Gross, Idealab
  • Dalton Caldwell, Imeem
  • Donna Dubinsky, Numenta
  • David Sifry, ex-Technorati, now Offbeat Guides
  • Loic Le Meur, Seesmic
  • Chris Alden, Six Apart
  • Heidi Roizen, SkinnySongs
  • Max Levchin, Slide
  • Shervin Pishevar, Social Gaming Network
  • Scott Banister, Zivity
  • Mark Pincus, Zynga


  • Bobby Kotick, Activision
  • Paul Sagan, Akamai
  • Herb Allen, Allen & Co.
  • Jeff Bezos,
  • Ron Grant, AOL
  • Bill and Melinda Gates
  • Quincy Smith, CBS
  • Dean Kamen, Deka Research
  • Michael Dell, Dell
  • Sky Dayton, EarthLink
  • Esther Dyson, EDVenture
  • Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Gideon Yu, Facebook
  • Rupert Murdoch, Les Hinton, Peter Levinsohn, News Corp.
  • Arianna Huffington
  • Barry Diller, IAC
  • Scott Cook, Intuit
  • Martha Stewart
  • Steve Ballmer, Microsoft
  • Mary Meeker, Morgan Stanley
  • Chris DeWolfe, MySpace (but not Tom!)
  • Zach Nelson, NetSuite
  • Tim O'Reilly
  • Frank Quattrone, Qatalyst Group
  • Rob Glaser, RealNetworks
  • Steve Case, Revolution
  • Marc Benioff,
  • Howard Stringer, Sony
  • Tom Glocer, Thomson Reuters
  • Jeff Bewkes, Time Warner
  • Tom Rogers, TiVo
  • Lowell McAdam, Verizon Wireless
  • Don Graham, Washington Post
  • Jerry Yang, Sue Decker, Brad Garlinghouse, Yahoo

Hacks, bloggers, and other media types

  • A whole passel of Dow Jones and AllThingsD minions
  • Norman Pearlstine, Bloomberg
  • Jon Fine, Steve Wildstrom, Sarah Lacy, BusinessWeek
  • Larry Magid, CBS News
  • Jim Goldman, CNBC
  • Dan Farber, Ina Fried, Rafe Needleman, CNET
  • Ryan Block, Engadget
  • Quentin Hardy, Forbes
  • Adam Lashinsky, Fortune
  • Om Malik, GigaOm
  • Brian Lam, Gizmodo
  • Dan Gillmor, Knight Center
  • Joseph Menn, Los Angeles Times
  • Therese Poletti, MarketWatch
  • John Markoff, New York Times
  • Ken Auletta, New Yorker
  • Steven Levy, Wired
  • Rafat Ali,
  • Mark Golin,
  • Paul Steiger, ProPublica
  • Eric Auchard, Reuters
  • Peter Kafka, Silicon Alley Insider
  • Michael Arrington, TechCrunch
  • Alan Citron,
  • Scott Rosenberg, Wordyard

Venture capitalists and other investors

  • Jim Breyer, Accel Partners
  • Ron Conway
  • Bill Elkus, Clearstone Venture Partners
  • Marc Bodnick, Elevation Partners
  • Rob Hayes, First Round Capital
  • Sean Parker, Founders Fund
  • Alan Patricof, Greycroft Partners
  • David Sze, Greylock
  • Ann Winblad, Mitchell Kertzman, Hummer Winblad
  • Vinod Khosla, Khosla Ventures
  • Allen Morgan, Mayfield Fund
  • Geoff Yang, Redpoint Ventures
  • Eric Hippeau, Ron Fisher, SoftBank Capital