Which Bisexual Rapper Has Been "Servicing" His Entourage?

Wednesday already! That's the great thing about a short week. Suddenly it's nearly over before it began. Though, it does me a bit anxious because I have one less day to do all the things I planned on doing before the weekend. Like, um... Uh. Catching... up on... Battlestar Galactica. And... [microphone feedback] OK! So I'm not that busy, but whatever. I could be busy. That's the point. In the end, though, I'm grateful for the short week and am looking forward to the last weekend (!) in May. Enjoy your Wednesday blind items, after the jump, even though they feel like Tuesday items.
1) "Which actress whose name has been dragged through the weeds more than once should know who is selling her secrets to the celebrity magazines? Residents of her Village building are buzzing that one of their doormen has been dropping dimes on her, even picking up tips for the paparazzi on where she'll be from her employees." [NYP]
2) "Which A-list couple agreed to let a paparazzo shoot their kids, but only after the lensman agreed to give the family half of the six-figure paycheck? Later the duo got greedy and demanded two-thirds of the loot, telling the pap: 'We just got new furniture and need to pay it off.'" [NYDN]
3) "Which rapper is secretly, er, servicing his entourage? The fella in question is apparently not picky about the sex of his conquests..." [Mirror]
4) "I didn't even know that these two people knew each other, but just goes to show you that anything is possible. #1 is an A list actor and director, although the director part would probably be closer to B list. Award winning for sure though in both. #1 has a greenhouse on his property and was showing it off to #2. We'll get back to him later. Apparently #1 grows some of the finest pot in the world right there in the back of his house. Nothing else in the greenhouse, just pot. Loves it more than his wife and kid(s), and #2 was suitably impressed and so decided to give it a shot. Oh, not pot. Nope. #2 is an idiot. In and out of rehab and a sad excuse for a C list television actor who has some B list name recognition from the last hit show he was on. #2 figured what the hell and decided to indulge in his drug of choice. Bought a shed at Home Depot, installed it in his backyard and decided he was going to cook his own meth. Yep. Problem is, the idiot didn't know how to make it. Got all the ingredients and just started throwing them together. Too bad he didn't blow himself up, but he has some friends who actually have some brains and made him stop. He had invited them over to watch him cook it all, and they wisely shut him down and threw all the stuff in the trash." [CDaN]