I assumed until a few days ago that everyone had a playlist full of sad songs for when they felt really low. I mean I only had two mix CDs in college: Favorite new music, and the sad playlist. I've curated that sad playlist (now named "Blue") for six years. It's not that I'm a sad person, but a soundtrack soothes me in a time of sharp emotion, and certain songs will always hit me in the chest. So I've put a couple of songs from my "Blue" playlist on the Gawker Muxtape account. Below are the user name and password so you can upload a song to make the saddest playlist in the world.

Login page: Login
Username: gawkermix
Password: gawked

I only thought about the playlist recently because I hadn't played it in so long. In fact, it seemed like the past decade of my life can be told by recalling how often I played it: All the time growing up, to only rarely pulling it out now. Does anyone else measure their happiness by playlist?