Who Is the Rehabbing Gossip Girl?

Too much birthday. That's all I'll say. Here are some over-the-weekend blind items for your Monday consumption. ZOMG, one of them is about Gossip Girl. All are from Crazy Days and Nights.
1) "Know that show about teenagers in NY? Yes that one. Which one of the cuties on the show is going to be spending much of the time in between seasons in a little place we like to call rehab?"
2) "Famous author. Writes legal thrillers. Married. Having an affair with entertainment reporter who interviewed the author."
3) "B list actress on hit network medical show. Holding out for a pay raise for next season even though on a contract. Reason? Owes too much money to her dealer. Will die if there is a strike by SAG."
4) "This B list actor who has been on several HIT shows his cheating on his wife with a former co-star."