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There's a nifty collection of work gathering over at The Hollywood Temp Diaries, a new-ish blog that is pretty much exactly what it says it is. And while it's not quite the instant party promised by loathetastic blogging neophyte Peter Bart, we've taken to anticipating author "Temp X"'s weekly blind-item quizzes — the best of which has us furiously parsing out the TV exec dumb enough to give away ignorance about one of his/her own network's biggest hits. We hate to give away the real blind item from the writer's multiple-choice query, but curiosity wins out 10 times out of 10; follow the jump and place your bets:

At a writers' seminar, this network executive forgot a cardinal rule for maintaining credibility — know what you're talking about. The discussion revolved around storyline and character issues for one of the network's offerings. But this wasn't just any show. It was the network's flagship program. This show had generated billions of dollars and was syndicated globally. So naturally the audience was confused when some of the executive's analysis didn't jibe with what they all knew of the show. Prodded by the writers to explain further, the executive admitted having never watched the show.

Guess away — or, knowing at least one of you local scribes must have been there, we want a name, a network, a show title, the aftermath... everything. Vote early, vote often.