Who Are the Father/Son Coke-Snorting Duo?

Drugs and sex. Sex and drugs. And drinking. That's all it's ever about, and today is no exception. Shitfaced actors, coke-fueled father/son duos, and cheating spouses all abound in today's blind items. And it's enough to make one depressed about the state of American celebrity. They must be miserable! But then one remembers that these people are filthy stinking rich and any empathy one has disappears and one begins to feel like these people deserve all of their stupid problems because they have so much stupid money and can afford to have stupid problems and be stupid the rest of their lives. One may have just paid his rent.
1) "Which movie mogul must rein in his overly flirtatious girlfriend, who's ticking off Hollywood wives? At a recent party in Cannes, the wife of a billionaire director/producer told the mogul, 'Get your girlfriend away from my husband'" [NYP]
2) "Which magazine editor evicted his hottie tenant from his downtown Manhattan pad because he suspected she was doing drugs and entertaining men for extra cash?" [NYP]
3) "Which up and coming actor, who is well known on the A-list party scene, has his Class A drug habit funded by his laidback dad? Father and son see no harm in doing a line or three together." [Mirror]
4) "A list film actor. Yes, A-list, no ifs ands or buts. Well, if he had stuck with what made him famous he probably wouldn't have made it to A-list but he adapted. Latest film. Not a great film. First day. Table reading. Our actor showed up for it and was so drunk he could barely stand. No one who was setting everything up would come near him because you could smell him a mile away. He kept stumbling and falling everywhere. Affectionate to everyone. Lots of hugs and kisses. Finally managed to get the actor in a seat. He then started mumbling incoherently and the crews were trying to figure out what he was saying. Then he takes a package out of his jacket pocket...it was a mushed up burrito. He held it up to one of the crew and said "look....what is this?" So she looks and tells him it's a burrito...with chicken...he couldn't comprehend this AT ALL. She went and got him a soda and a sandwich. She was trying to get him into some kind of shape for the reading. It wasn't looking good. Oh, did I mention that he rode his motorcycle to the place? Yeah...good...right? Well, everyone LOVED him...said it was one of his best readings ever...he was brilliant. On and on it went, even though no one had been able to understand one word that came out of his mouth." [CDaN]