Maybe this is the reason why the Club Life author is called Rob the Bouncer instead of Rob the Pulitzer-Winning Reporter. While he admits today on his blog that the Preparation H phenomenon—male clubgoers rubbing the hemorrhoid cream all over their chests to look more "ripped"—is true, he also admits to faking the reporting on an entire story that we excerpted a while back. "Now, what you need to understand about this post is that it's completely fabricated," said the man who discussed the nightlife trend on Mike & Juliet yesterday. Um, why?

In Rob's original story, he talks to a Long Island CVS manager, quoting him as saying, "I don't give a shit what these slapdicks are using it for. I wish they'd stay out of my fucking life."

Except that he didn't say that at all!

"Everything contained in these "journalistic" posts came directly out of my head. The situations are real - guys really do rub Preparation H on themselves before going into clubs - but the names and quotes are all me...I pretty much forgot about it from there because I figured everyone was in on the joke.

No, hon, that's not how it works. When you present something as true, we generally believe that it is. Because we are not the New York Times, we don't have a team of fact-checkers to call you up. You wrote a book, so you should know this already.

"This is yet another example of why starting this blog was both the smartest and stupidest thing I've ever done - and yet another reason to disbelieve damned near everything you'll ever read.

Or, you could just do the reporting.

[Club Life]