Which Relationship Was Ended By a Condom Wrapper?

Wouldn't it be funny if a celebrity read a blind item and didn't recognize that it was about themselves? And they wandered around all day, slightly musing about who it could be, trying to think if it could be any of their famous friends, maybe that TV actress they met at that dinner party the week before. She seems like the type. And then, all of a sudden, they're sitting at the Ivy ordering an iced tea and it dawns on them. "Wait a minute. What if I'm 'B-list'???" It would be interesting to watch. Three items are after the jump.
1) "Which jealous starlet finally dragged her husband away from a woman he'd been chatting up for at least an hour?" [Mirror]
2) "What does this female talk show host/ B list actress enjoy doing on her weekends more than anything? How about sitting in front of her television all weekend and ordering jewelery from home shopping channels. Thousands and thousands of dollars worth. And the funny thing is she doesn't really wear any, she just likes the shows and buying." [CDaN]
3) "Despite reports to the contrary, what really broke up this celebrity couple was not interference but rather the fact that when our female got home one night her boyfriend was waiting for her. While she was digging for the keys in her purse, a torn condom wrapper came fluttering out. Considering she and her boyfriend didn't use condoms this was distressing to him, hence the breakup. Now any time he spends with her is just to get back at her and is not out of any kind of sense of love." [CDaN]