Who Are the Insane Germaphobe Parents?

Remember that episode of The Simpsons in which Mr. Burns builds the casino and becomes this crazy Howard Hughes-esque germaphobe and shut-in, letting his toe and fingernails grow long, keeping jars of urine and building the Spruce Moose ("I said [gun click] Hop. In.")? It's classic. Well the Entertainment Lawyer at Crazy Days and Nights has dug up some information on a celebrity couple that is a slightly tamer, modern day version of that terrible/hilarious character. The strange story is after the jump, as well as a bit about a newly Celibate Celebrity.
1) "Which celeb has taken a vow of celibacy in a drastic bid to curb his womanising ways? He's desperate to keep his sexual appetite - and the trouble it causes him - at bay." [Mirror]
2) "This former B list television actor on one of the biggest network dramas ever, and now a C list actor with B+ name recognition has some strange rules in his home. He and his wife have kids.
1. Apparently both of the parents are obsessed with germs and bugs (the insect kind, not the germ kind.) Each child must inspect the other children for any ticks or fleas on the body of the other before they go to sleep each night.
2. Each child must wash and dry all their bed linens every day.
3. No sugar in the house. None.
4. The parents take turns sleeping on the floor of each child's bedroom once weekly to ensure the children are sleeping normally. (not sure how they do this if the parents themselves are asleep)
5. Despite the fact that all the children are in at least elementary school, they each have a baby monitor in their room so the parents know what they are doing at all times.
6. Because of the germ phobia, any guests of the kids who come over to play are confined to one room of the house, and one room only. No sleep overs." [CDaN]