Tila Tequila, the diminutive star of MySpace and other useless things, ran her mouth to Us magazine recently (at the premiere of Mike Myers' The Love Guru, making this a truly star crossed occurrence) and said that she, she of the fake breasts and faker reality show, is to be thanked for the recent ruling in California to give up the ugly pursuit of banning gay marriage. "It is because of me — I definitely think [my show] has helped the movement," she told the magazine. You see her MTV reality show, A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila, is about one be-titted internet star (Ms. Tequila) trying to find love while boys and girls eat bugs and fart Mike's Hard Lemonade and kick ass and take a few names in hopes of impressing her. The show's frank (and stupidly fake) bisexuality, she claims, really opened some doors:

"Before it came out, everyone was still a little apprehensive about [same sex relationships]," she said. "Then they realized, 'Wow, everyone is really into this stuff, and it is fine.' The next thing you know, [gay marriage] is legal." Oh, yes. It's true. Everyone was all "what's up with gays? Gross." And then they saw that lady who looks vaguely diseased chugging blue Curaçao and then making out with that other girl who looks definitely diseased and they thought "wow man. The homosexuals and the lesbians are all right. Come, to state congress. Let's do something for/about these Tila Tequila gays." That is exactly what happened. That's just history. It has nothing to do with a slow and difficult ideological evolution, which is nowhere near done, that is built upon the shoulders of courageous and selfless people who've spent their whole lives grasping and fighting for tiny inches of territory. No, it has nothing to do with them. It has to do with Tila Tequila. Good work, sister!