Dr. Pink: Gynecologist, Comedian

"Celebrity gynecologist and stand-up comic has been hired by GAWKER to blog about everything from vaginas to videos," begins the email we received a short time ago from a Dr. Rand Pink. He touts himself as a celebrity gynecologist comedian, and claims that his "uncanny search for the truth is appealing to most readers." Uhm hmm. And since we hired him he's been so successful that "Nick Denton is considering making the column into a pop culture comic strip." Oh how exciting for you, Dr. Pink. I can't wait to see you in the office some time soon. But seriously folks. The email is gross and strange and eerie in that it mentions Denton by name. But, at least, this mystery appears to be solved.. Sort of. Read the entire, peculiar missive after the jump.
Celebrity gynecologist and stand-up comic has been hired by GAWKER to blog about everything from vaginas to videos. Pinks review of spoiled lobster knuckles at Marys Fish Camp had far more credibility than Frank Bruni. Dr Pink has been examing "fish" at his Hollywood gynecological practice for 26 years. He knows who's been packed in ice and who is covering up their freshness with Vera Wang perfume. This doctors uncanny search for the truth is appealing to most readers. They are simply falling asleep with most verbiage and want to read something that has no direction and no purpose. His column is cotton candy, pure retarded thought. As noted in his column he writes without a formula ,without any journalistic background he just ejaculates copy. This train wreck style makes readers wonder where will the next sentence take them. Its like watching a 30 minute show and its over too quick. Its like a quick fuck. Dr Pink takes nothing seriously so Nick Denton is considering making the column into a pop culture comic strip. There has been talk of it being syndicated which would create even more revenue for the Gawker Group. Again this is a fluid story there has been interest in Pink at Vanity Fair, Playboy and FHM. He has been working with Howard Stern and writing jokes for Joan Rivers since 1994. His penis has made many cameos in movies about race horses. He's sick of being a doctor. He's tired of comics getting laughs at the bits he came up with even he has been compensated tremendously. Dr Pink wants to sit in his bathrobe and tell stories. They are all crazy and they are all true. His one man play "you remind me of my mom because you taste like brisket" and CUTTERS THE MUSICAL have gotten positive reviews by critics with Downs Syndrome Start spreading the news. Start spreading your legs. Let PINK continue to keep GAWKER in the RED. Dr Rand Pink. Stand-Up Comic. Gynecologist.