Who's In the Tween Threesome?

Hello from cloudy Boston. I'll be reporting live from the hub of the universe all week, as I attend the first annual Dog Sit For Your Parents While They're in Vancouver Convention. Blind items are, of course, universal so I will still be posting them for your enjoyment. After the jump we've got one of Crazy Days and Nights' long tone poems about tweens, and an item that's probably some British lady you've never heard of. But we'll soldier on anyway. Even though I seem to have caught a cold. I doubt drinking for 12 hours in the pouring rain on Saturday had anything to do with that. (If it does, I blame on John Ehlers.) Go Celtics!
A) "We are going to have to go C list for all three of these people, but it is a really fun one. #1 is an actress who was the co-star of a huge tween show on a network. Makes it better than the tween shows on all the cable channels. Even though she was on the tween show and played a tween, the funny thing is she was already well out of her teens. Since then she has done a little of this and a little of that and got married. For #2 we have another actress. Foreign born. Parents are very famous dramatic actors. #2 really has not done a whole bunch, but then again she is really young. Legal, but young. #3 is an actor. Not much of an actor. More known for his body and his on/off celebrity girlfriend. I would describe the celebrity girlfriend but that just seems like too many people. Most of you would know who she is though. So, #1,#2, and #3 had themselves a little on set romance. Yes, all three are in the same film. Makes it easier. Started with #2 and #3, but then when #1 and #3 got involved he got all three of them together. #2 was not very good at keeping this discreet and so now #1 is in the middle of a divorce and #3 is on double secret probation for the 20th time with his celebrity girlfriend. #2 just got fake breasts." [CDaN]
B) "Which TV neurotic presenter insists on direct eye contact at all times? If any of the production team fails to do so, she instructs the hapless director to give them the boot." [Mirror]