Who Is the Relapsed Movie Star? (Duh.)

I woke up this morning to both my cat and my dog standing on my bed pawing at my face. I guess they were hungry. I didn't mind though. I haven't been touched while in bed since the Carter administration! Oh, hi there. Sorry. Was just practicing my Catskills routine. I'm thinking of starting a new life up there. Yup. Just me and some old ladies. Oh, and some blind items of course. Always blind items. Today we have a relapsed movie star, a guy with a mullet, and a request for special toilet paper, all after the jump.
1) "Which disgusting celeb sent his people running around town trying to buy, er, 'desensitizing toilet tissues' only to go mad when they got the wrong ones?" [Mirror]
2) "To me, this one was a little heartbreaking to hear. This once troubled actor who has peaked and valleyed between A and C list his entire career depending on his drug use was thought to be clean and enjoying some big success once again. However, it is just that success that may have caused his most recent slip. Oh, he slipped alright. Twice is what I hear. Separate nights. The question is going to be whether it was truly just a slip or if this is going to be another long, twisted spiral downward." (This one is pretty obvious, no? Hope it's not true.) [CDaN]
3) "What mullet haired singer cheated on his current wife and ex-wife with both males and females?" [CDaN]