In Katherine Heigl's World, Joshua Kelley Is But An Ashtray
Move over Norma Desmond — Katherine Heigl is here. After Heigl's baffling antics over the past few weeks, namely snubbing her Grey's Anatomy fame enablers and any fan who may have actually enjoyed her pretty neurotic mess of a character on the show, this clip of Heigl voicing her disgust with "writers?!?" proves just how big Heigl's nicotine-scented head has grown. And to make matters worse, the images awaiting you after the jump of Heigl vacationing with emasculated husband Joshua Kelley, in which her emasculated servant is used as both her kickboxing target and ashtray give new meaning to Desmond's infamous diva-turned-delinquent madwoman trajectory. Catch Heigl at her heights while you can before the inevitable backlash to the backlash to the backlash begins, after the jump:

After her husky voice descends into a dramatic alto of self-aggrandizement after one too many autograph-seekers outstretch their plebeian arms in her direction, the enterprising TMZ cameraman begins lobbing a series of Emmy-related probes at Heigl. After one particular inquiry into whether or not she has had any post-Emmy dropout meetings with the team of writers on Grey's, Heigl's quizzically bitchy and entirely dismissive intonation of the word "writers" has to be heard to be believed.

As these pictures demonstrate, a few of Katherine's favorite things do not include raindrops on roses nor whiskers on kittens — they mainly involve using the useless guy (who gave her a ring she treasures far more than him) as a foot-rest, a shield to block her smoke exhalations, and one of those less attractive girlfriends celebrities enlist to co-analyze their body while asking, over and over, "So is my perfect rack perfect enough? Like is this nipple exactly where it should be? Yeah? Yeah, I know. Man am I tired of being right."