Well we haven't got any painfully obvious outings today, but we do have a young man into older ladies (one in particular), a fashion designer sticking his foot in his mouth, an extremely reluctant gay icon, and, well, a story about rape. All of these misadventures await you after the jump.

1) "Which billion-heir celebrated his 27th birthday at Nobu 57 the other night by canoodling with a woman about 15 years older than himself who used to be his baby sitter?" [P6]

2) "Which Italian designer told a woman he was groping on a dance floor that he likes 'slutty girls who dress badly'? She pointed out she was wearing one of his dresses." [NYDN]

3) "Which hard-as-nails married A-lister would be appalled to know he's rapidly becoming a gay icon, with rumours flying around of his marital indiscretions - with men?" [Mirror]

4) "B list actor. A list name recognition. Award winner for sure. (Not Ben Affleck lol) He's been married before. Films. All the time. Serious roles. No comedies for this guy. Not married now, but in a relationship with a non-celebrity. She's pregnant. Apparently she has told a few of her close friends that our B list actor rapes her often. She is afraid to go to the police because he is a celebrity and she is pregnant with his child and of course even though he rapes her almost every night, she of course still loves him." [CDaN]