Which Faux-Classy Celeb Has a Secret Heroin Habit?
This morning we have for you a porn-filled Beverly Hills hotel, a hypocrite musician who's charitable on the outside but bratty on the inside, a "celebutard" who enjoys the smack, and, if you're into that sort of thing, two items about soap stars. Enjoy it all after ye olde jump.
1) "Which hotel in Beverly Hills is being used for porn shoots? Businessmen across the street say they can't get any work done because they're too busy looking at the action." [P6]
2) "Which hypocritical singer preaches about third world poverty, but behind closed doors demands ridiculous seven figure advances on new record deals, and is rapidly getting a reputation as something of a champagne socialist." [Mirror]
3) "This celebutard and criminal tries to pass himself off as upper crust, but he is in a bunch of pain right now without his H" [CDaN
4) "This actress on an NBC soap kind of came out of the woodwork and rocketed up the ladder on this soap. She keeps getting more and more lines and lets everyone know it. She has no friends on the set except for the producers she sleeps with and she doesn't share the coke she vacuums up like a Hoover." [CDaN]
5) "This one involves two guys, both from the same ABC soap. Our first one is older, and been married before. The woman he was married to has been known to be very sympathetic to guys with alternative lifestyles. Hope his current girlfriend feels the same way because he and this other much younger actor on the show have been caught so many times making out that they don't even hide it anymore." [CDaN