How To Get Hired When You're An Old

A common complaint among the olds—which is absolutely valid—is that companies discriminate against hiring them in favor of the youngs, despite their greater experience. This is certainly true in HIP fields like media, fashion, and marketing, where young people are not only perceived as having skills better suited to our wild modern internet world, but also come cheaper. What are the olds to do? The Wall Street Journal (appropriately) has the answer for them: take rad rock star pics of yourself! That, and other tips for getting hired past your prime, after the jump:
Lisa Johnson Mandell had more than 20 years of experience in broadcasting and movie reviewing, but she couldn't get a second look! Here's how she made it work:
- "Create a modern image": One consultant suggests going to a hairstylist for a new 'do!
- Whitewash your resume: Johnson Mandell "removed the 1980 date of her summa-cum-laude college graduation and deleted some early jobs." Sneaky!
- Show you're "hip to new media": She started a video blog site. On the internet! With some guy she found on Craigslist—another internet location!
- The photo thing: Do people really need to include a picture with their job applications? Apparently so! But it has to be a picture with a "contemporary look," like this real one of Johnson Mandell:

Now Lisa Johnson Mandell has a six-figure salary. Screw you, youngs.