While most of her employment opportunities of late have come from Down Under in the capacity of a celebrity shot-girl for hire (do they swirl down your throat in the opposite direction, we wonder?), Tara Reid has apparently also been keeping busy on our own shores, gearing up for an exciting new reality show. (We see no mention of it on her IMDb page, so we'll assume the first season of Tarafied: Celebrity Foreclosure is a staight-to-web venture.) In the above TMZ segment, one of the scripted verité sequences requires the frequently botched actress to enter formerly fashionable Hollywood social establishment Hyde. One of TMZ's stanchion-shackled documentarians then helpfully offered some improvised crowd noise—which leads, for some reason, to the frustrated crew repeatedly pointing out his Asian heritage: first disparagingly, then, as a means of bridging the paparazzo/Z-list-entourage divide. Oh, let's just let TMZ's Great and Powerful Harv explain it. Roll it, Harv!