Well, they may be fucking Matt Damon or Ben Affleck respectively, but comedians Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel are no longer fucking each other. A spokesperson or whatever for the couple tells Us that they've amicably parted ways after five years of snide, poop-joking bliss. Silverman was spotted eating at a restaurant shortly after the announcement came through.

Apparently during the meal fellow funny person Jonah Hill approached Silverman, who had seemed mostly cheerful up to that point. "Jonah's appearance definitely had an effect on her," said some sort of bystander. "They spoke for just a minute. And after he left, Sarah looked momentarily pensive." Oh dear. Sad clowns are the worst! It's too bad, too. For a second they were looking like the next Burns & Allen. Now I guess they're just... I dunno. Danson & Goldberg?