There Are Many Comedy Persons, But Only One Comedy Person Of The Year: Judd Apatow

We return you now to the Just For Laughs Festival in Montreal—a city reinvigorated by a strengthened Canadian dollar and the recent grand opening of The Celine Dion Jumpsuit and Chapeau Museum. Hours ago, comedy tycoon (we promised we wouldn't call him a monopolist) Judd Apatow picked up a handsome companion trophy to sit alongside his Flackie and prized collection of custom penis-molds of every actor he's ever worked with: The prestigious Just For Laughs First Annual Comedy Person of the Year award.
Present in the Hyatt Regency's Grand "Kiss-Ass" Salon to wish their esteemed ringleader/fame-bequeather well were many members of the Canuck-heavy Apatow entourage: Seth Rogen (who had nothing but high praise for the man who paid for his "house and car"), Tropic Thunder's Jay Baruchel (totally pumped to cut out for a Dark Knight screening), and Bill Hader, who saluted the Funny People writer/director for his courageous return to the stand-up mike. (More on that in our review of tonight's show, Apatow For Destruction.) We cornered Rogen after the presentation, who mustered convincing faux-enthusiasm for the fact that we shared a first name and nationality—though were quickly cut off by a wiry male publicist, who karate chopped the voice-recorder out of our hands and shouted, "NO! INTERVOOS!...EVAH!" in a thick Nazi accent. Apatow proved more approachable, however, and offered to chat with us later tonight, if we "promised to be nice." We'll hold him to his word on that, but in the meantime, here's the video of his acceptance speech.