A reader today passes along what looks to be Defamer's final epic installment of the Grazer Family Fun Trilogy, a series previously comprising megaproducer Brian's shirtless likeness and a heartwarming follow-up outlining the love-hate relationship between the megaproducer and his troubled actor-producer brother Gavin. Now we finally have the ending for which we've waited months: The Other Brother, a touching (if unsettling), decades-in-the-making home-movie mash-up directed by Gavin and featuring Brian as a sun-kissed resort god who makes middle-aged women squeal ("Oscar-winner!") and can cheat even the most formidable ocean current with his bare arms. Listen closely for Gavin's cameo ("You ever see Armed & Dangerous? He did that."), and gawk along with the rest of us at the 8mm magic of a little Grazerhead in the making. They don't make them like this anymore. [YouTube]