Brit-actress and dater of married actor Balthazar Getty Sienna Miller's house was spray-painted with "SLUT" last night. Oh yeah? Is she? Really a slut? Don't worry: strident feminism is not part of today's lesson. But the Bible is!

How quaint—it's like a nasty little blog comment, only IRL! Graffitists are, of course, among the original commenters. Only they usually have more important things to say, like attack the political power structure.

But! Marking houses with specific messages also has Biblical origins: during Passover, God was going to kill the first-borns in every Egyptian house, but the angel of death would pass over the houses of Israelites who marked the doors of their homes with lamb's blood.

And so, the hordes of celebrity-worshippers, in the SLUT-painting ritual marking of Sienna Miller's house, symbolically "passed over" Balthazar Getty, demonizing her for dallying with a married man, but conveniently leaving him out of the matter and blameless. And so the bullshit double standard was upheld. They looked upon this, and saw it was good.