Twitter suggested today that I follow @KristinDaily, an account associated with the Kristin Cavallari fan site Makes sense, I guess. Upon further inspection, however, it appears that neither @KristinDaily nor is actually updated on a daily basis. even lists Kristin’s age as 27—one year younger than her widely reported age of 28. Either is on a campaign to convince the public that Kristin is younger than her reported age, or it’s still catching up on some updates from last year. All this is to say: weak. No, I will not follow @KristinDaily. “Kristin Daily” is right here.

@KristinDaily, however, already has one follower I know:

Miss Kristin Cavallari herself.

Further review indicates that of the 47 accounts that Kristin currently follows on Twitter, two are about Kristin Cavallari—@KristinDaily and @KristinCavMex, an account associated with the site

Research for her forthcoming book about herself, perhaps.

This has been 500 Days of Kristin.

[Photo via Getty]