When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail

The demise of Conde Nast's scrapbook site for teenaged girls, Flip.com, was a reminder. How is that other big website launch of 2007 going? 23/6, a joint venture between Barry Diller's IAC and Kenny Lerer's Huffington Post, was two years in the making. The political humor launched in November to lackluster reviews; but maybe it's caught fire since, what with the elections and all. Who are we kidding? A quick search on Compete.com shows 23/6 is as stillborn as Time Inc's Office Pirates, Viacom's Virtual Lower East Side — and every other site that springs from the loins of New York's media titans. They really should have read The Innovator's Dilemma, that standard reference book for young-at-heart moguls, more carefully.