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Didn't get to party with Diddy in Cannes last week? How unfortunate. You missed out on your chance to climb aboard the Maraya, the 177-foot yacht that Diddy chartered. A young, impressionable reporter for the Daily Mirror was lucky enough to land an invite, just in time to watch an assistant brush Diddy's hair:

The king of bling himself has exclusively invited the Mirror onboard for a personal guided tour of the brand new 54ft [sic] yacht he's chartered. Eager for a nose around to see how the jet-set live, I arrive a tad early for my host, who I find surrounded by fussing flunkies. One is holding a mirror in front of his face, another is brushing his already perfectly-preened hair...

"That's enough, thanks," says the rapper, nodding them away before welcoming me with a smile that shows off his brilliant white gnashers. P Diddy looks immaculate—you'd never guess that he's only had four hours sleep. Last night he hosted his star-studded Daylight To Daybreak party on the top deck, which turned into a 12-hour bender. He sinks into a butter-soft cream leather sofa and flashes another wide smile. Just as we start to chat, we're interrupted by his team of assistants. It seems some gifts have arrived from uber-posh shop Hermes - 15 bags of them. So Diddy has a nonchalant look over them as his staff carefully arrange them on the lower deck.

He clearly loves luxury. But it isn't all about money. Diddy tells me: "I'd like to do something with Madonna in Malawi. I see what she does and I think it's fantastic. I'd love to help any way I can."

Diddy has since left the boat—he's now in Malawi, undoubtedly, redirecting his fortune to the plight of starving children in the African nation—so if you're looking for a yacht with six staterooms, a 10-man crew, mini-pool, and private deck—oh, and you have $500,000 a week to spend—these people will be happy to make arrangements.

P Diddy invites The Mirror on board his £33million yacht [Mirror via Luxist]