As previously noted, 'Animal Planet' is looking for "predation programming." Times man Brian Stelter calls it "a friendlier term for animal death action." Someone give us the number for 'Animal Planet' development because we have a show that would just be great!

Scene: Boulder, CO.
Cast: A cuddly kitten, a lady hooked up to oxygen tubes, a husband, a son, a knife, a gun, a book case, and a suicide. It could be called "99 Ways To Kill Cuddly Kittehs!" or "Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell!"

Charges are expected for a man accused of killing a kitten by beating its head against a bookcase after it chewed through his wife's oxygen tubes.
Charles Kenneth Corwin turned himself in on Thursday, on a felony arrest warrant for aggravated cruelty to animals, reported the Daily Camera.
On Friday, Boulder police arrested Corwin's son, Charles Corwin Jr., after police said Charles Jr. was threatening his father with a knife.

His father told deputies his son was angry with him because he had killed one of the family's pets, the Camera reported. He said the cat chewed through his wife's oxygen tank tubing after she had just been released from the hospital.
Two days later, Corwin Jr. came home, after bonding out of jail, and shot himself to death in the bathroom, police said.

Suspect Accused of Killing Kitten [Daily Camera]

[Photo: Cute Overload]