'NYT' Skyscraper Investigated By City's Buildings Dept.

Trump Tower Soho isn't the only major new building in New York to fall into perilous disrepair of late. Last month, a couple of pedestrians walking by the New York Times' fancy-pantsy 8th Avenue building caught the wrong end of falling window glass from the skyscraper, broken by high winds. Two weeks later, sidewalks were shut down by falling ice that had formed around the building's ceramic rods. Then last Wednesday, seven windows on the 22nd, 10th and sixth floors were shattered by strong winds, prompting a Friday visit by the Department of Buildings.
We'd have told you sooner, however we didn't receive our subscription this month to McGraw-Hill-owned trade pub Engineer News-Record. We put a call in to the Times to see how it went with the city, but flack Abbe Serphos who "is handling all questions related to the windows," according to the guy who answered the phone, wasn't available at the time.
Earlier: Incident At Trump Tower Soho, One Dead
Previously: Breaking Glass