Lindsay Lohan To Spend 8 Hours In the Land of the Dead

Worst actress in the world and drunk driver Lindsay Lohan was sentenced to spend two four-hour days working in a Los Angeles morgue to knock some sense into her re: driving while completely blitzed. (Also, remember when she slept with three dudes on New Years Eve? That was funny.) As the Times notes, " She has already served 84 minutes in jail as part of the plea deal." No word yet on what LiLo will be doing with the stiffs but lets just hope she's never seen Clerks II. Ooo, that was in awful taste! If the Los Angeles legal system worked under the Dantean system of contrapasso, the felonious Lohan would be condemned to sit through a loop of her ouevre. 8 hours of that is enough to drive anyone from drink! [NYT]