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The city's most spoiled high school seniors are getting ready to par-tay tonight. Six single-sex, blue-chip private schools—Collegiate, Browning, Brearley, Hewitt, Spence, and Nightingale-Bamford—will hold their group prom tonight in the fittingly hoity-toity location of the Waldorf-Astoria's Starlight Room. The Sun has the color on the event, and also takes the occassion to delineate all the ways Rich Manhattan Private School Proms differ from mere Middle-Income Suburban Public School proms. There are tons of them, it turns out!

For example, clothes! While crass, sartorially-inept public school boys wear "pimp-style outfits (long suit jackets and canes)," and the girls tackily trot out floor-length gowns and tiaras, Manhattan's prep school princes and princesses "dress like the classic gentleman or lady," wearing simple tuxedos or cocktail dresses. And then there are the after-parties! While public school fetes are often organized through the hopeless-sounding website, most of the afterparties for the hydra-headed Collegiate-Browning-Brearley-Hewitt-Spence-Nightingale affair tonight will be free and take place at lavish homes on the East End. And the parents hosting those post-prom blow-outs tend to force the parents of party attendees to sign waivers saying that they (the hosts) are not responsible for whatever alcohol-induced injury befalls their kid during the party. Come on, it's not a Hamptons party until someone gets sued!

Private School Prom Night: From Waldorf to the Hamptons [NY Sun]