Star magazine editor-at-large, serial oversharer, and a woman who straddles many things one of them being the line between self-awareness and cluelessness Julia Allison has a tumblr page which allows those interested to read a steady stream of her thoughts as they are thought. In fact, she kind of takes credit for the tumblr phenomenon, also as we mentioned. And it's true. She uses it to great effect. Take yesterday's post for instance, an example of shortburst genius that manages to be creepy, informative, slightly alluring and completely unneccessary!

So what I find so kind of malevolently wonderful about this post is that Allison manages to work in her three defining characteristics in one deft oblique sentence. In some ways the sentence embodies the circus tent of Allison's personality. The words and grammar form a paper thin membrane stretched tightly over the three supporting pillars of her self-identity, which remain covered but apparent. They are:

  1. She has a chest.
  2. She works out.
  3. She has a dog.

An ancillary point to 1. She has a chest is 1a. she's happy to put things on top of it. An ancillary point to 2. She works out is that she doesn't actually enjoy it. That would be shallow. It is, instead, a professional obligation, part and parcel of being a sex symbol.