At this year's version of the Oscars, the striking-writers-approved Screen Actors Guild Awards, winner Tina Fey said she had the acting skills of a "hat rack," Tom Cruise gave a surprisingly non-creepy speech and Best Actor Daniel Day Lewis stole the show with some kind words for Heath Ledger, to whom Lewis dedicated his Best Actor Award. Video of Lewis' words for Heath, along with the winner of SAG's "Biggest Jerk" award, after the jump.

Actor Josh Brolin takes the cake for most selfish award acceptance, insisting an ensemble award for "No Country for Old Men" was "my fricking moment" and telling Woody Harrelson to "back off" when Harrelson suggested that maybe he should thank directors the Coen Brothers.

Daniel Day Lewis' comments were much better received, with the Los Angeles Times describing his full acceptance speech as "awesome intense gibberish." The Ledger part: