Jeff Zucker Taking All The Fun Out Of Broadcast TV

Fourth place TV mogul Jeff Zucker brings us the genius of 30 Rock from his perch at NBC, and yet he's ruining everything the show stands for, starting with the fact that broadcast television is supposed to be an awesome bonfire of money, fame and sex. In the wake of his decision to kill most TV pilots because they're way too expensive, Zucker just gave a big industry speech in Las Vegas (capital of frugality and moderation) to not only reaffirm that decision but also to say NBC is about to stop putting on a big fun show for advertisers called the "upfront," will probably stop putting on junkets for journalists (oh yes) and even wants government permission to get rid of cash-bleeding news and weather operations! Has the man learned nothing from Jack Donaghy? See the clip after the jump.
Yes, Donaghy thinks about efficiency, like any six sigma GE trooper, but he also knows how to blow cash. Witness the troupe of dancers hired to promote fictional star Tracy Jordan: