Possible 'NYT' Dir. Loves Poontang. Flat Screens, Too.

Hedge fund founder Scott Galloway will be a New York Times board director if he has to hold up chairman Arthur "Pinch" Sulzberger's ego all by himself. Also, he has a pretty sweet Hamptons pad! Chicks dig it. A source tells us Galloway's screening room has "flat screens galore (with the stickers still on them), a volleyball court with bleachers, giant fire pit [and] outdoor showers." Dude, bet his parties are off the hook. Maybe that board seat would free up a little faster if Galloway would let Pinch into "The Snatch Bucklers," one of the many mufftastic nicknames Radar says he and his friends gave themselves in college. To be sure, hazing Sulzberger would entail some serious standard-lowering, but hey, business is business, right?