We totally missed this little gem in a Saturday's Times story about the oft-ignored plight of the rich New Yorkers forced to downsize in our current economic straits. A screenwriter interviewed for the piece describes her reaction to the sitch: "I'm a freelancer, so I'm like, ‘Oh, my God.'" Seriously. What else are people giving up? "The newspaper," says one guy, "I never buy it anymore." Why bother, really, when your neighbor's will do just fine? Far more moving though, are the sacrifices of this disposably-incomed damsel in distress: "Now she gets manicures at a less expensive salon, meets her friends at California Pizza Kitchen and sends her sheets and towels to a laundry service instead of the dry cleaner." We ourselves mostly just leave the linens to Olga and Maria. Did she say California Pizza Kitchen? Sakes alive.